Saturday, 2 July 2011

Armies of Greyhawk 8 - North Province.

Huzzah and yay, it's time for another of the AoG posts. About time, I know. So, here we have details for the forces of the North Province. Up next will be Onnwal, and Irongate soon after that.

Incidentally - I've noticed there's been a spew of blogs going offline lately, including the most excellent Axe n Hammer blog . If anyone has any information or insight into that, I'd be most grateful for a mail (silent(spam)silver(spam)hawk(spam) or comment. And yes, you'll have to remove the appropriate cans of spam from that to make it work.

Armies of the North Province (.ods file, downloads from Mediafire. NorthProv1.0.90.ods).

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